During these uncertain times, we’re all concerned about our futures. If you’ve been on unemployment, and do not have a job to return to, you may be getting into debt, and thinking about filing bankruptcy. Or, if you have continued to work, or are returning to your...
When Reading The Fine Print Isn’t Enough
Lawyers always talk about “reading the fine print” in a contract. We’re all guilty of signing a document at some point in our lives, without fully reading it. With large purchases, such as vehicles, you need to be extra careful, especially due to a growing trend in...
Steps To See If You Need To File Bankruptcy
Thanks to public service announcements, most of us are familiar with the warning signs of a stroke: slurred speech, crooked smile, etc. But the warning signs for financial difficulty are usually the “elephant” in the room: no one really talks about it, and you don’t...
5 Things To Know About Student Loans And Bankruptcy
Student loans are a hot topic-Forbes calls it a 1.5 trillion dollar “national crisis”. (Forbes, June 2018). New Hampshire’s class of 2016 has the highest average student loan debt per student ($36,367) in the country. As of June, 2018, student loan defaults (more...
Collection Protection For Our Veterans, Elderly, And Disabled
It is often unnecessary for veterans, the elderly, and disabled to file for bankruptcy. Federal laws exempt social security disability and retirement benefits, as well as veteran’s benefits, from creditors. In both New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and in most states,...
Can I Keep A Credit Card After Bankruptcy?
Can I keep a credit card after I file bankruptcy? Unfortunately, the answer is most likely, no. If you file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, (the most commonly filed chapter), then it’s a matter of negotiation between you and the creditor. Debts can be voluntarily “reaffirmed”...
When Is It Time To File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Many people spend sleepless nights debating over whether or not it’s the right time to file bankruptcy. While there’s usually no “perfect” time, at this time of year when we’re all rushing to do our taxes, it’s a good time to evaluate our personal income and debt....